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Environeta Solutions (2020) Inc.

Practical Environmental Technologies

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 About Us

Environeta Solutions Inc is an Alberta corporation established in 2009 to commercialize several Environmental products and services its principals had been involved with through previous ventures or projects. 
Although located in Alberta, our products and services are made available across Canada, either directly or via a team of Licensed distributors in their respective regions.
Our focus is on clean land, water and air necessary for quality of life for humans as well as flora and fauna.
Methods and technologies include applications for waste water treatment, Municipal, Industrial and Agricultural Waste processing and advanced structures that take advantage of passive solar gain.
Solutions may be provided individually or as a suite of technologies that work in concert.
Maximizing profit is not the highest priority; however, Environeta concentrates on profitable business models that are sustainable with or without subsidies or preferential treatment from governing bodies.
Our typical business model will be an attractive opportunity for investors as well as a benefit to its host community and the environment as a whole.

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Affiliates & Services

Airwise Structures Inc.

AQUA-3R Waste Water Treatment & Recovery

'R' ecover, 'R' ecycle, 'R' euse!

Our packaged waste water treatment systems replace traditional septic fields or lagoons with a fraction of the footprint. Water is processed quickly and in most cases, qualifies for surface discharge such as irrigation. These systems already deliver water that is cleaner than most urban water intakes. As the regulations are upgraded, we are ready to deliver water suitable for most processing, laundry, flushing toilets and irrigation. Conversion to our systems will save homeowners and municipalities significant investment in both water services and infrastructure costs.

Environmental Worker
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Bringing the Outdoors, In!

We design, manufacture and distribute large format, 'Low Pressure Stabilized Cable Structures'; these are cable reinforced fabric 'Domes' that use internal air for support. Our Domes are used for storage, manufacturing, retail, agriculture, horticulture and greenhouse applications. They are ideal for temporary construction covers, environmental remediation and site reclamation, sports and recreation, equestrian and livestock operations.

Over 150 Domes have been installed over the past 40 years for a wide range of industries. Anything that can be done outside, will have better results inside an Airwise Dome!


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Current Projects

Brooks, AB Waste to Energy to Food

This is a major environmental project to minimize or replace Community and Regional land fill requirements. It uses all those technologies and systems referenced on this site, plus others that are part of the industrial development. The image above illustrates how the project will be built out.

  • System Capacity is ~275 T per day of MSW, IW and Agricultural Waste.

  • Heat & Electricity to support up to 50 acres of greenhouse production plus associated processing operations.

  • This project is expected to produce ~300 jobs in the community and ~$100 million per annum in revenues.

  • Link to Bioneras Industries web site below.

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Resource Recovery Corporation

Waste Management Solutions

Resource Recovery Corporation (RRC) is a green energy company headquartered in Las Vegas, NV. Environeta represents RRC in Canada and works closely with them on international project proposals.

RRC has developed and owns proprietary Thermal Anaerobic Gasification (TAG) technology with applications in the fields of Waste Processing, Environmental Remediation and Resource Extraction.

Systems are composed of one or more modular, expandable, continuous feed TAG units capable of processing a wide range of waste or resource feedstocks.

Our TAG systems have proven effective in processing Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), Toxic Hazardous Waste (THW), and Industrial Waste (IW). They have been used to process oil directly from bitumen or oilsands, clean coal formats for liquid fuels plus energy and biomass to energy, activated carbon and biochar.

RRC's TAG systems are very efficient, delivering 9 - 10 BTU's of usable energy output for each BTU of input to operate the plant.

Our technology recovers the fixed carbon in feedstocks as elemental carbon, rather than converting it to CO2. Our emissions footprint for delivered energy is similar to that of natural gas. This makes RRC a natural complement to the waste and energy infrastructure of any community or industry.



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Environeta Solutions (2020) Inc.         403-458-4979
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